Jun 7, 2009

Planing Your Fish Mount

If you're planning on taking your prize catch to get mounted by a fish taxidermist, you need to do a little work beforehand. Your trophy will look its best if you take a few precautions before, during, and after your trip. Make sure your fish is in the best shape possible when you take it to the taxidermist by following a few simple guidelines.

First, understand that fish lose their color after they've been dead for a while, so getting your fish to the taxidermist quickly is important. The taxidermist needs to see the natural colors of the fish to get the most accurate reproduction. Your trophy will end up looking better if you take good care of it before you take it in. Here are some tips for making sure your fish is in good shape when you to get it mounted.

  • When you catch a fish you'd like to mount, record the time, date, location, type of lure used, and take a picture of the fish. The taxidermist can use this information to make your fish mount as accurate as possible. Plus, you can put this information on your trophy for everybody to see.
  • Treat the fish gently. You want the fish to look great after it's mounted, so handle the fish with care. Blemishes take time for a taxidermist to repair and may show up in the final mount.
  • Put the fish in plastic, pack it in ice, and freeze it as soon as possible. This preserves the fish and also helps keep its color. Again, the goal is to get the fish to the taxidermist in good shape.
  • If it's not possible to freeze the fish immediately, put the fish in the bottom of your cooler or somewhere else cold.
If you treat your catch with care the taxidermist will have a much easier time making you the most realistic trophy possible. Plus, it'll come out looking as natural as it did right after you caught it. Happy fishing!

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