Apr 26, 2009

The Proper Way to Load Fishing Line on to a Spinning Reel

Loading fishing line onto a spinning reel is a simple process yet many anglers experience problems after they load the reel with new fishing line. There are a number of reasons for this and I hope this short explanation will eliminate them for you.

How many times have you seen or maybe even done this yourself? You purchase a new spinning reel and when you go to install the line you have someone stick a pencil through the center of the spool the line comes on, and while they are holding it you start reeling the line onto your reel. You fill the reel to where it is level with the spool lip on the spinning reel and think you have done a good job.

Ok your spinning reel is now full so you tie on a hook and weight or maybe a lure and go to cast and as soon as you open the bail of the reel your line jumps of like it was a spring that was just released. Now you get this mess cleaned up and the line back on your reel and try to cast knowing the line wants to jump off the spool this time you make sure you keep the line tight with your finger when you open the bail ah ha you fixed the problem. Now when you go to cast again your line comes off in a big tangled mess that looks something like a loosely built birds nest.

Let me tell you I have been there myself and if you will follow these simple steps you will avoid 99% of these problems.

Let's start with tying the line to the reel spool this is a simple process so keep it that way. Just tie a simple over hand single knot to the end of your line and pull it tight. Now put two wraps of line around the reel spool and again tie a simple over hand knot and pull the line tight. The knot you tied to the end of your line will snug up against the knot you just tied on the spool and will tighten as you pull on the line. Then you can trim the excess line which is left behind the first knot and you are ready to start filling the reel.

Place the spool of line down on the ground with the label side up. Now you want to stand to where the spool of line is directly under the tip of your rod. Grab the line between your index finger and thumb so you can apply pressure to the line as you reel. You want to apply just enough pressure that you can feel the tension as you reel but not so tight that it makes the reel hard to turn. Turn the spinning reel handle and start applying the line after about fifteen turns of the handle stop. Lower you rod tip a little toward the spool of line, the line hanging from your rod tip to the spool should hang straight, if it wants to twist simply turn over the spool of line and repeat this process. The line should now hang straight without twisting.

After you have the line hanging without twisting when you remove the tension of the line you are ready to start loading the reel spool with line. Continue to apply just enough pressure with your index finger and thumb to the line as you reel. Once the line is within an eight of an inch of the spools lip stop reeling and your reel is now fully loaded with line. If you are using a heavy line on the reel say anything over 25 lb. test you may want to give yourself a little more room between the line and the spool lip.

You are now ready to start fishing and you line should stay on the reel with out getting those annoying twist.

Author: Bob R. Smith
Is an outdoor enthusiast if it has to do with the outdoors he has tried it. His true passion is steelhead and salmon fishing with over forty five years of experience fishing for these great fish. He has built a web site to share how he saves thousands of dollars a year purchasing his fishing gear from eBay members. If you to would like to save on your fishing gear and pick up some helpful fishing tips along the way please visit his site at http://www.steelhead-salmon-trout-fishing.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bob_R_Smith

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